It was almost sunset as the thick mass of clouds appeared on the horizon. NOAA’s grating voice said the storm would last all night and into the next morning. It was eminent. I though my kids might drowned while they slept.
I wasn’t worried about myself
Jessica and Matt already had mud covering their pillows. Kim’s nightgown was filthy. And, even though she’d had one too many… we all had… she was determined to leave. Zoe begged her to stay. I still don’t know what happened.
For some reason, the storm avoided us – intentionally. Draping around our group like a cape. Then, in the dark, the cape collapsed. Whatever force that kept the storm circling around us finally gave out and the downpour began.
We braced ourselves for a long night.
Awakened by the sound of roughly forty white pelicans flying in formation overhead, my children and I greeted the otherwise silent and sunlit morning with damp bedclothes. We didn’t care. We were free.
…Before any of this, the preceding day, the kids, my wife and I enjoyed what could only be called a perfect day. "This is life", I though. Early morning fire pits. Cackling of bacon, along with it’s rich smell, drift from sparsely populated campsites. Mullet, splashing in calm water protected by lush mangrove stands, are the loudest residents of the morning.
The days go on like this. Peaceful, quiet, relaxed. Like magic, all the tensions of work, schedules, and daily city life melt away.
I climbed into the hammock.
For that weekend, while camping at Ft. Desoto, I felt truly alive.

A Camping Adventure
If you are looking for something to do on your beach vacation, camping at Fort Desoto beach campground is a must. It’s fun for the whole family, offering many choices of accommodations.
From tent camping with water and electric hookups to trailer camping, also with water and electric.
Ft Desoto even has a dog campground, which is also open to non-pet campers if the other sites are full.